Everyone anticipates the early colors of Spring bulbs. Now is the time to plant them. They are easy and rewarding. Get digging.
Some extra early Honey Cream Crocus. Small flowers often come up through the snow.
My favorite blue Spring flowers, Chionodoxa, Glory in the Snow. They spread nicely in a few years.
I'll post an interesting 'Life Cycle' series on these later.
Daffodils make a big splash, they also multiply well. The easiest large flowered Spring bulb.
Then come the Tulips and Grape Hyacinths.
I hope these few images inspire you to plant some Spring bulbs. They are well worth the small effort.
There's a couple acres of commonly held vacant land by my Mom's house in Brookline. In the middle of the city (Boston on 3 sides), in the middle of this deliberately vacant lot, are hundreds, thousands, maybe millions of Glory-of-the-Snow. It's an incredible early Spring sight. I guess someone must have planted some once.
Carrie Lamont
Welcome Carrie, it's nice to have a local viewer. (From DG?)
The Glory in the Snow spread well. I started with 25 small 'grape size' bulbs, now they are all over.
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