Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Just Checking

A next door neighbor stopped by today wondering where I've been. "Don't see you in the yard lately."
He was fond of Sarah so I told him. It was nice to have someone check in on me.
The guy on the other side of me cut down trees that were shading out my veggie garden. Thank You
It's too hot to cook so I donated a bag of ripe tomatoes at the senior center. The old lady smiles get me every time.

Friday, August 12, 2016

It's been nearly 5 years since my last post. Much has changed. 
My social photo site Daily Pics has shut down. I no longer work at my Zazzle account but it remains open.  Go buy something, ha.
The open heart surgery is a distant memory, I've resumed riding a bicycle as rehab.  I feel much better now.
Sidekick Sarah has passed away at age 16½, we grew old together. She is sorely missed and a large part of my return to Blogger. 
I will have to re-learn navigation and likely redesign this 10 year old blog. 
All in good time.